
This natural avalanche was observed on a W-NW facing slope off Woody Ridge near Cooke City. The slide likely took place on the 20th of December and was the result of a heavy wind load sitting over factes near the ground. Photo J. Logan 

Cooke City, 2016-12-23

This slide occurred on a west facing slope off Woody Ridge outside of Cooke City. The slide failed on facets near the ground and was the result of heavy wind loading. Photo B. Fredlund 

Cooke City, 2016-12-22

This natural avalanche occurred on the Fin outsided of Cooke City. The slide took place on an east facing slope and was the result of heavy wind loading. It appears the slide failed on an instability buried mid-pack. Photo B. Fredlund  

Cooke City, 2016-12-22