GNFAC Avalanche Forecast for Mon Jan 16, 2017
Cooke City Madison Range Southern Gallatin Range
Lionhead area near West Yellowstone
Avalanche observed in Beehive Basin on January 15. SW aspect around 9200'. Broke on a layer of facets buried below recent storm snow. Photo: C. Bieniek
This avalanche was observed in Beehive Basin on January 15. It broke on weak facets buried below the recent strom snow. Photo: C. Bieniek
Forecast link: GNFAC Avalanche Forecast for Mon Jan 16, 2017
This avalanche was observed on Sunday January 15th by multiple parties. It broke on weak facets buried below recent storm snow, and appears to have also broke deeper into facets near the ground. SW aspect around 9200'. Photo: S. Hennessey
GNFAC Avalanche Forecast for Sun Jan 15, 2017
Cooke City Madison Range Southern Gallatin Range
Lionhead area near West Yellowstone
This stability test broke and propagated (ECTP 14) on a layer of facets below the recent storm snow. Avalanches are possible to trigger on this layer. Photo: J. Norlander
Forecast link: GNFAC Avalanche Forecast for Sun Jan 15, 2017
This slide on the south end of Sheep Mtn. near Cooke City was lilkely snowmobile triggered. It likely failed on a layer of facets below the recent storm snow. Photo: B. Whittle
GNFAC Avalanche Forecast for Sat Jan 14, 2017
Cooke City
A thin weak layer of facets that formed during cold temperatures are buried by last week's 2+ feet of snowfall. We found unstable test results in this pit, and the poor structure makes avalanches possible to trigger on this layer. Photo: GNFAC