
The Big Sky Ski Patrol triggered this avalanche on the south face of Lone Peak with minimal explosives. It broke 3-4' deep on facets at the ground and propagated 1200' wide. This instability also exists in the backcountry. Photo: Big Sky Ski Patrol

Northern Madison, 2016-12-08

At 9,000 feet in Middle Basin/Beehive there's 2 feet of snow. Facets near the ground are breaking in some stability tests. This week's cold weather will likely allow the facets to grow bigger. Photo: A. Whitmore

Northern Madison, 2016-12-06

This natural avalanche occured after last Thursday's storm and appears to have failed on a layer of weak facets near the ground. It is on the south boundary of Bridger ski area, on the shoulder of Mundy's Bowl. The ski area is closed, there is no avalanche control, and a backcountry snowpack exists across the mountain. Photo: GNFAC

Bridger Range, 2016-12-04