
Dudley Creek avalanche #2.  This avalanche took place on a SE facing slope that was heavily wind loaded by strong NW winds.  It likley occurred over a week ago, probably on the 23rd or 24th of January.  This is a classic example of weak, faceted snow forming around a rock band, then getting loaded to its breaking point by new and windblown snow.  GNFAC

Northern Madison, 2011-02-02

GNFAC Avalanche Forecast for Sun Jan 30, 2011

Snowpack and Avalanche Discussion

The Bridger, Madison and Gallatin Ranges, the Lionhead area near West Yellowstone, and the mountains around Cooke City and the Washburn Range:

Warm and dry conditions over the past few days have helped stabilize the snowpack on most slopes. Yesterday, I nearly forgot what month it was when I was hiking around the Bridger Range in a light fleece top; it felt far more like April than January. Although weak and unstable snow can be found in a few scattered areas, this is the exception to the rule.