
This smaller natural avalanche illustrates poor bonding in upper layers of the snowpack containing recent snow.  While larger avalanches are more spectacular, these smaller ones are more common and can be equally as serious. Watch for them anytime immediately following a storm. Photo: GNFAC

Lionhead Range, 2011-04-01

This avalanche was triggered by a falling cornice. Winds typically scour this slope creating a thin and weak snowpack. With recent heavy snowfall this slope had a good recipe for an avalanche. Photo: GNFAC
Lionhead Range, 2011-04-01

Two events occurred on this slope at Lionhead.  Wednesday morning this slope produced a sizeable avalanche that ran well beyond the view of the camera.  The avalanche broke in older snow over rock bands but was confined to snow from recent storms on other parts of the slope where the snowpack was deeper and stronger.  On Thursday very large cornices broke and tumbled down the slope.  Photo: GNFAC

Lionhead Range, 2011-04-01