GNFAC forecaster were in Taylor Fork on 1/31/21: There were many small(er) pockets R2-D1/2 along the northeast facing ridge of Carrot and Sage Basins. Some looked like they broke below the new snow or on s surface hoar and some broke deeper to the facets at the ground. We dug a pit above one of the crowns that and got an ECTP16 on s surface hoar 40 cm down, and ECTN 29 on the d depth hoar PST 37/120 end on the d depth hoar HS 150cm.
Also numerous slides in Lightning and Beaver Creeks in the Wilderness. Also noticed a large crown in Sunlight Basin spanning across the lookers left half of the heavily wind-loaded/corniced bowl. R3-D2/2.5 probably, 500’+ wide