Froma skier that tooured in divide cirque today. "In the basin, between pt 10,201 and 10,024 there was a very large avalanche that must have slid yesterday or last night. It looks like it propagated at least 1000’ wide and at the deepest the crown was easily 5 feet. Visibility was low so it was hard to tell, but it was definitely a big slide." Photo: N. Salsburg
Advisory Year
Avalanche Details: Large natural avalanche in Divide cirque
Forecast link: GNFAC Avalanche Forecast for Sun Feb 7, 2021GNFAC Avalanche Forecast for Mon Feb 8, 2021
Northern Gallatin, 2021-02-06
Forecast link: GNFAC Avalanche Forecast for Sun Feb 7, 2021GNFAC Avalanche Forecast for Mon Feb 8, 2021