Unstable ECT n. Bridgers

From Obs: "Out poking around the Northern Bridgers today and found some really terrible structure... We dug a couple of pits and both exhibited terrible structure with pronounced facet layers between the most recent pair of melt-freeze and rain crusts.

Results from one of the pits were: 7900' NE aspect 33 degree slope HS95cm (photo included)
- ECTP12@60cm on 2mm well developed facets below most recent M/F crust
- Weak facetted layer is 5cm thick 4F- hardness
- Slab above is a 4F to 1F hardness slab of new graupel and decomposing grains on top of the 1F+ M/F crust..." 

Photo: Z. Miller

Advisory Year
Bridger Range, 2019-12-09